The ideal.


A loyal friend

About the German Shepherd

Generally considered dogkind’s finest all-purpose worker, the German Shepherd Dog is a large, agile, muscular dog of noble character and high intelligence. Loyal, confident, courageous, and steady, the German Shepherd is truly a dog lover’s delight.

If you are searching for an intelligent, loyal, loving & dedicated companion, then the German Shepherd is for you.

Once you have owned a German Shepherd, you will be hooked for life. With their love, loyalty, and devotion that they will give you until their last breath can never be matched. They are a brilliant breed. German Shepherds are the only breed of dogs that are used in every military force throughout the world in such things as bomb and drug detection, search and rescue, security, herding, and more. The same dog will also cuddle up next to your two-year-old at night acting as her guardian while you sleep. Considering the breed is still quite a young breed, there is no other breed that has achieved so much in such a short time.

The first impression of a German Shepherd is that of a confident, strong, very alert, and full of life dog. The German Shepherd makes an ideal guard and companion dog. They have a robust and protective nature, always watching over his family. The height, body weight, and shape do vary quite a lot, but the breed standard states a male should be (being measured from the highest point of the shoulder blade) 24" - 26" and weigh around 88 - 100 pounds and the female according to the breed standard the height should be 22" - 24" and should weigh about 75 pounds.

I am sure at least 90% of this weight comes from their immense hearts.

German Shepherds make wonderful mothers and can have huge litters. Their usual litter size is around eight puppies. The first pup will be a male (typical male — always impatient). Puppies start to be weaned around three to four weeks of age. Puppies must be wormed every two weeks, starting from two weeks of age to 14 weeks.

German Shepherds tend to live to around 12 - 14 years of age. A lot has to do with the way they are raised.

German Shepherds Love to be Outdoors

They love the wind blowing in their faces as they run through the luscious green grass. They also love to be indoors at night while the family is watching TV, and while they sleep, he will keep a watchful eye over everyone.

 German Shepherds love to swim; however, some don't like the smelly foamy baths they have to endure. German Shepherd's are no different to any other dog as far as grooming is concerned. They require a five-minute brush every day, and once a week when molting a half-hour strip session is advised. Having the correct grooming tools for your German Shepherd definitely will make the job easier. You will need a standard double-sided brush for a puppy, and as he gets older, an undercoat rake and a slicker brush are recommended — the curved one is the best. 

 In any large breed, there are usually problems. Hip Dysplasia in the past was a significant concern. But, these days, breeders are becoming more responsible, and with the hip schemes in place, this has dramatically reduced the amount of Hip Dysplasia reported. 

German Shepherds don't have any special needs except being made to feel he is a cherished new member of his family. German Shepherd's adore attention. Most essential for your new puppy is Patience, Love and Consistency. 

German Shepherd's do not thrive on cheap and nasty food. They need quality premium dry dog food as well as fresh veggies, fruit, cheese, yogurt, etc. Basically all the yummy things you like to eat except NO ONIONS or GRAPES. Fish Oil is a great additive. As well as all the usual things that we all know fish oil provides, it also helps reduce the amount of hair shed. It is also great for arthritis in older dogs.

Providing German Shepherd's are well socialized when they are young they usually get along with most other animals. However, they are a herding breed so asking them to share their bed with a chicken might be a bit much. Once again this comes back to training and socializing. German Shepherd's are very easy to train. They are always willing and keen to please their owners.

Every German Shepherd Needs:

  • Good balanced nutritional food

  • The right amount of exercise

  • Good firm bedding

  • Lots and lots of love



When you take your new puppy home, teach him to sit and wait while you prepare his food.

Jumping up on you should not be allowed as they don't stay little puppies for long, and as they get bigger can easily knock you off balance.

Always give your new puppy lots of praise. Whilst he is a puppy everything must be positive and everything should be about playing and having fun. No serious training should start under 14 weeks. All new dog owners must attend puppy classes and continue with some obedience training. 

History of the Breed

Although the German Shepherd have roots which go back in time to ancient Persian Sheepdogs, the German Shepherd was actually perfected in the times from 1890 to World War 1. During this time a few significant strains were developed. Five actually. On April 22, 1899, Captain Max Von Stephanitz along with Artur Meyer and 28 others founded the parent club of the German Shepherd the "Verein for Deutsche Shaferhunde in Germany to promote the breeding of the German Shepherd Dog. Through their hard and conscientious effort, it was soon recognized that they had produced the most powerful dog, society had ever seen. In 1901 the SV had arranged trials with the Belgian Police, and before long Police all over Central Europe were training the German Shepherd Dog. By 1923 the German Shepherd studbook had over 180,000 dogs registered.

This wonderful breed has become one of the most popular breeds throughout Europe and in such a short time they have achieved so much and the numbers just keep growing. Once you have owned one of these beautiful dogs, only then can you truly understand just how much of your heart they own.


Key details

  • Temperament: Confident, Courageous, and Smart.

  • Height: 24-26 inches (male), 22-24 inches (female).

  • Weight: 75-90 pounds (male), 70-80 pounds (female).

  • Life Expectancy: 12-14 years.